Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
ment, of politics and of normativity does not indicate the provisional
crisis of a rationality that a new universal rationality ought to succeed (as
both dialectical historicism and progressivist political thought pretend).
No human universality will ever exist anymore. Schizoanalysis starts from
Schizoanalysis is the ability to constitute sociality starting from the
singular recombination of imaginative, mnestic and desiring elements.
The self-constitution of post-human singularities.

The reactive dynamics of territoriality

The pathology with which schizoanalysis concerns itself always arises
at the meeting point between the ecology of the mind and the becom-
ing of the world.

Contemporary history is increasingly dominated by rising demands
for subjective singularity – quarrels over language, autonomist
demands, issues of nationalism and of the nation, which, in total
ambiguity, express on the one hand an aspiration for national lib-
eration, but also manifest themselves in what I would call con-
servative reterritorializations of subjectivity. A certain universal
representation of subjectivity, incarnated by capitalist coloniza-
tion in both East and West, has gone bankrupt – although it’s
not yet possible to fully measure the scale of such a failure.
(Guattari, Chaosmosis, 3)

In the 1990s, the psychochemical constitution of the planet entered
into a dark phase of turbulence. The molecular substances that
were formed in the course of the rapid maceration of modernity
unleashed by ’68 kept compounding, composing and interacting,
finally resulting in a phase that we could consider as a de-volution. The
crisis of industrial labour, the collapse of the authoritarian Socialist
bloc, the digital revolution, the disaggregation of the patriarchal
family, the diffusion of a movement of feminist autonomy that upsets
masculine power, the mediatization of planetary communication,
and all the innumerable local processes of mutation are provoking
a reactionary recouping. Guattari described the aggregate of these
processes by talking about the contradictory and psychotic dynamic of
the movement of deterritorialization and the counter-movement of

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