of the sphere of relations, and the quantity of available information. At
the same time, social relations are becoming virtual; the relation
between bodies in space is partially being substituted by relations
between disembodied speakers, semiotic actors without immediate
social contact. Virtual deterritorialization, the transfer of the locus of
political decisions in a sphere that has no contacts with social daily
life, produces violent reactions from those members of residual (but
not minoritarian) sociality who feel themselves disenfranchised and
marginalized. In response, effects of massive reterritorialization are
unleashed and become manifested with the reemergence of strongly
territorial identities.
There is a profound relationship, but one difficult to decipher,
between communicational globalization, cultural homogenization,
the generalized transparency of forms of life, and the aggressive
reaffirmation of tribal, ethnic and religious forms of identity that
seemed buried in archaism. On the psychic plane, phenomena of
informational overload act as a cause of anxiety, panic, and as a
disturbance of the concrete emotional sphere. The background
noise produced by the proliferation of informational emissions of
every kind overpowers the voice of the father as head of the family,
who feels dispossessed of his sole, miserable power, as well as the voice
of the lover, who feels overwhelmed by other fantasmatic, distant
Guattari was not able to see the unfolding of the telematic web as a
planetary anthropological phenomenon, since the year of his death
was also the year in which the World Wide Web began its diffusion.
But he had foreseen all its possibilities and potential consequences,
and had conceptually anticipated its dynamics.
Should we keep the semiotic productions of the mass media,
informatics, telematics and robotics separate from psychological
subjectivity? I don’t think so. Just as social machines can be grouped
under the general title of Collective Equipment, technological
machines of information and communication operate at the
heart of human subjectivity, not only within its memory and intel-
ligence, but within its sensibility, affects and unconscious fan-
tasms. Recognition of these machinic dimensions of subjectivation
leads us to insist, in our attempt at redefinition, on the hetero-
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