imposition of new refrains: the refrain of electronic speed, the refrain
of information overload, the refrain of digitalization.
My feeling of personal identity is thus pulled in different directions.
How can I maintain a relative sense of unicity, despite the diversity
of components of subjectivation that pass through me? It’s a ques-
tion of the refrain that fixes me in front of the screen, hence-
forth constituted as a projective existential node. My identity has
become that of the speaker, the person who speaks from the tele-
vision. (Chaosmosis, 16–17)
In communication, obsessive and fixated types of nuclei are deter-
mined; certain refrains thicken and solidify, entering into resonance
and producing effects of double bind. When the existential flow gets
rigidly brought back to logical, mythological, ideological or psychic
refrains, behaviour tends to become paranoid. For example, when the
money refrain becomes the structuring element of all social and com-
municative life, this engenders behavioural paradoxes, paranoid anti-
cipations, social double binds, and depression.
In the relation between the fluidity of social and communicational
existence and the fixation on obsessive refrains, the psychopathologies
of collective life are created.
In the case of neurotic identity, sometimes the refrain develops into
a ‘hardened’ representation, for example an obsessive ritual.
(Chaosmosis, 17)
In the book’s subsequent pages, Guattari reverses the analyses of
the hardening of refrains from a therapeutic perspective. What does
the task of the therapist or the analyst consist of?
Analysis is no longer the transferential interpretation of symptoms
as a function of preexisting, latent content, but the invention of
new analytic nuclei capable of bifurcating existence. A singularity, a
rupture of sense, a cut, a fragmentation, the detachment of a semi-
otic content – in a Dadaist or surrealist manner – can originate
mutant nuclei of subjectivation. (Chaosmosis, 18)
The therapeutic problematic is therefore placed at the junction between
the refrain’s signifying hardening, that is, the succession of particle-
signs that proliferate in the psychochemistry of the Infosphere, and the
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