Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1

Interview with Franco Berardi


by Giuseppina Mecchia

Bologna, 11 July 2005

Giuseppina Mecchia:Why do you think that your 2001 book, Félix, is the
first monograph devoted to Félix Guattari? Why was it written by an Italian
intellectual and political activist? And when did you start writing it?

Franco Berardi (Bifo):Well, let’s start from the end. I thought about
writing something on Félix exactly at the end of August 1992, just
a few days after his death, while we were going to the Père Lachaise
cemetery for the burial. I was walking with a friend of ours, Xavier
Delcourt, and I told him that we had to start working on telling people
about Félix. And I started right away and worked on it for a very long
time. Actually, at a certain point, I talked to Paolo Fabbri, who at the
time was teaching in Bologna, about the need to write something on
Guattari. So, there isn’t a specific time when I worked on the book, I
kept writing for almost ten years. I started in 1992 and then I just kept
writing and rewriting. Because, after all, it is not a theoretical book or
an academic book: it is really a sort of narrative.
Then, why isn’t there a body of work on Guattari? This is a good
question, and there are several answers for it: first of all, it is true –
even if we might regret it – that Guattari lives in the shadow of the
couple Deleuze and Guattari. This is why there are many books on
Deleuze that are actually books on Guattari. There is this flattening out
of the couple Deleuze and Guattari on the part of the academic com-
munity, which has accepted Deleuze in its midst while Guattari is this
embarrassing fellow traveller about whom much less is known.
But in fact, if you think about Anti-Oedipus, A Thousand Plateausor
What is Philosophy?, that is, the books they wrote together, you realize
immediately that Guattari’s contribution was truly decisive, even from
a purely philosophical point of view. Surely from a linguistic point of

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