Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
World Trade Organization meeting scheduled that day in Seattle,
Washington. For a summary of events, see the Global Action Day reports at
http://www.nadir.org/nadir/ initiativ/agp/free/seattle/n30/index.htm.

  1. See the Collective A/traverso’s (1980) statement about free radios, ‘Radio
    Alice – Free Radio’.

  2. The unrest to which Bifo refers corresponds, in general, to student demon-
    strations against State oppression organized by the Autonomia Movement in
    Rome, Palermo, Naples, Florence, Torino and Bologna in early 1977, espe-
    cially in March, following which Bifo fled to avoid arrest. His account of
    these events appears in Berardi (Bifo), the Semiotext(e)essay ‘Anatomy of
    Autonomy’ (1980). See the website Affinity Project (1980) for summaries
    of the Autonomist Movement and its leaders (including Bifo).

  3. In ‘Anatomy of Autonomy’ Bifo describes this September Convention as ‘the
    great opportunity – missed, however – for the Movement to overcome its
    purely negative, destructive connotations, and formulate a programmatic
    position for the autonomous organization of a real society against the State ...
    Unfortunately, the Convention turned into a reunion against repression, and
    this greatly reduced the theoretical importance and the possibilities of this
    period ... The gathering concluded without producing any direction for the
    future, any new program, and without advancing the Movement’ (59–60).

  4. Guattari’s account of this political repression is collected in the essays com-
    prising Les Années d’hiver, 1980–1985(1986).

Chapter 2

  1. In the original title for the chapter – La depressione Félix– the author plays
    with the literal meaning of Guattari’s first name, felix, which in Latin means

  2. See Chapter 1, footnote 6.

  3. In English in the original.

  4. The reference is to a retrospective exhibition of works by the Swiss sculptor
    Jean Tinguely at the Paris Beaubourg museum in 1988.

  5. In French in the original. Once again, Bifo is alluding to the book Les Années

  6. Bifo alludes to the book by Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,
    where Dick defines kipple as ‘unwanted or useless junk that tends to repro-
    duce itself’ (Dick 1968). It is a great threat that risks submerging the Earth.

  7. This name refers to the Tibetan Book of the Dead. For a Deleuzian relation to
    the text, see Robert Glass (2001).

Chapter 3

  1. Except for the final paragraph, this chapter serves as introduction to
    Guattari’s 1977 book Piano sul pianeta(vii–xiv).

  2. The reference is to the struggles of the Solidarity Movement in the 1980s
    against Soviet control.

  3. Another, more concise text related to this one is Guattari’s 1979 ‘Plan for the

170 Notes

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