Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1

  1. See also Guattari (with Eric Alliez) ‘Capitalistic Systems, Structures and

Chapter 4

  1. Bifo’s use of the term ‘infospheric’ refers to the vast information web devel-
    oped by cyberculture. See also Bifo’s essay on ‘Schizo-Economy’.

  2. On the UN-sponsored Conference on Environment and Development, see

  3. This quote relates most directly to George’s The Debt Boomerangand also her
    A Fate Worse Than Debt, especially Chapter 10, 155–68.

Chapter 5

  1. While some may find this formulation disturbing, Bifo does not diminish
    the importance and severity of the AIDS epidemic. He emphasizes, rather,
    the ‘name of AIDS’ in the same fashion that Deleuze and Guattari employ
    schizophrenia as a semiotic process that has become generalized as a
    complex form of cultural production, parallel to the specific medical condi-
    tions associated with the particular name.

  2. Guattari’s writings on two of these artists can be located as follows: on Lebel,
    ‘Jean-Jacques Lebel: Painter of Transversality’, and ‘Gérard Fromanger,
    la nuit, le jour’.

  3. Guattari develops his ecological analysis in the The Three Ecologies.

Chapter 7

  1. Bifo erroneously writes December 1996.

  2. The reference within the citation is from the French edition of Will to Power,
    La Volonté de puissance (Nietzsche 1935,1937)

  3. The internal citation is to Proust’s reflection on the Narrator’s collision with
    reminiscences, ‘the fortuitous, inevitable way in which sensation had been
    encountered [which] governed the truth of the past that it resuscitated’
    (Proust and Signs, 96; Proust, Time Regained, 274).

  4. We find, in fact, no specific reference to Deleuze evident in Guattari’s text, as
    Bifo suggests.

  5. This screen, says Deleuze, ‘is like the infinitely refined machine that is the
    basis of Nature’ (The Fold, 77).

Chapter 8

  1. On biographical details for this period, see François Dosse (2007), 208–18.
    Guattari no doubt marched with the students and workers during the May
    ’68 events; the extent of Deleuze’s actual participation was more limited
    given both his ill health at the time, an also his location at the Université de
    Lyon, rather than in Paris.

Notes 171

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