Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1

  1. This expression, ‘adaequatio rei ad intellectum’, is one of two ways of under-
    standing the traditional conception of truth as the correspondence between
    the thing and intellect. The other way is ‘adaequatio intellectus ad rem’ (cor-
    respondence of intellect to the thing). See Fuenmayor (6–7) for concise eluci-
    dation of this distinction.

  2. The English translation (1997 [1941]) of Marcuse’s Reason and Revolutiondoes
    not include the short text written by Marcuse in 1960, ‘Una nota sulla dialet-
    tica’ (A Note on the Dialectic) included in the Italian edition (Marcuse 1941,
    43–52) and quoted by Bifo.

Chapter 9

  1. An earlier version of sections of the rest of this chapter appear in Bifo’s con-
    tribution to the collection Il Secolo Deleuziano(Vaccaro 1997).

  2. ‘Ah Pook Is Here’ is a short story by Burroughs that was also recorded toward
    the end of his life and was used in the soundtrack of an animated film by
    Philip Hunt; see http://zed.cbc.ca/go?c=contentPage&CONTENT_ID=18034
    (accessed 30 August 2007).

  3. In fact, as we indicated in the Preface, the respective contributions to rhi-
    zomatic thought can be studied in Guattari’s The Anti-Oedipus Papers.

  4. In fact, Bergsonism came out with Presses universitaires de France in 1966;
    Difference and Repetition and the first Spinoza book, Expressionism in
    Philosophy: Spinoza, came out in 1968. However, Deleuze and Guattari began
    to correspond in spring 1969, then met during that summer. See Dosse

  5. See for example Raymaker (1996) on Deleuze in light of Buddhist-Christian

  6. In Danchin’s translation of his 1998 La Barque de Delphes(The Delphic Boat,
    2002) he significantly re-edits and revises the text, omitting some earlier
    material. Since Bifo cites from the French text, we necessarily consulted this
    text for the first citation.

  7. Sarti is the coordinator of the research group in neuromathematics and
    visual cognition, and works both mathematics and in the department of
    Electronics, Informatics and Systems at the University of Bologna. See
    http://www.vision.unibo.it/ (accessed 30 August 2007).

  8. We note that Kelly has two different books by the same title, Out of Control
    (Kelly 1994; 1995), neither of which Bifo includes in his own list of refer-
    ences (see Bibliography).

Chapter 11

  1. We assume that Bifo’s reference to ‘Texas-style houses’ and other features is
    meant to emphasize size, uniformity and ostentatious display of wealth.

  2. See also the three aspects of the refrain in beautiful opening pages of Plateau
    11, ‘1837: Of the Refrain’ (A Thousand Plateaus, 311–12).

172 Notes

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