The Happy Depression
The ‘Félix machine’ is situated at the point of maximum expansion in
the blossoming of a nomadic, provisional community. It also accom-
panies its dissolution.
It doesn’t work in a linear fashion, and therefore it cannot be consid-
ered a volition-driven, mono-planar machine. If we want to see it in
action, we also have to remember the people, the encounters, the con-
ferences, and then we have to remember the images; we even have to
repeat Félix’s gestures, the movement of his hands and eyes. We have
to find a hypertextual, translinguistic mechanism that would resemble
his way of treating linguistic and emotional matters. We should think
back to the mornings and evenings of times past, to the meetings that
we hadn’t found the time to attend. And then we have to understand
how all these things could have disappeared.
We have never elaborated philosophically the experience of depres-
sion. In fact, we have foreclosed it and made it shameful, as if it were
something that cannot be addressed in public.
What a happy, felixhypocrisy.
In Félix’s work, depression appears under the rubric the winter years.^2
But we cannot reduce it to the winter years, for it’s not the winter’s
fault. Desire is cruel, and so are autonomy, beauty and the irrespons-
ibility of dancing.
Depression presents us with the bill.
The Subject can’t refuse to pay the bill, nor can the singularity.
Depression isthe bill.
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