Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1


Postmediatic Affect

The Italian radio movement, and particularly the experiment of Radio
Alice, which expressed a Dadaist, schizo impulse, had an influence on
the start of the Parisian free radios, and Félix was very active in that
history. In France, the free radios had an even greater disruptive
meaning, if that was at all possible, than in Italy. The traditional State
centralization in France reacted with great suspicion to the blossoming
of a multiplicity of voices and, for the first time, minority and under-
ground cultures were able to have a voice. Radio Soleil broadcast music
from the Maghreb, and Radio Tomate reported the ecological battles
and the occupation of houses by young proletarians in the Parisian
In 1977, there appeared the French edition of the small book Alice is
the Devil, Free Radio Alice(Alice è il diavolo – Radio Alice Radio Libre), and
Félix wrote its preface, entitled ‘Des millions et millions d’Alice en
puissance’ (‘Millions and Millions of Potential Alices’). In the radio
experiences, Félix saw the proliferation process of enunciative agencies
destined to cause the explosion of the mass-media model. When Félix
died at the beginning of the 1990s, the fever of the World Wide Web
had just begun that would, in the following years, transform the global
communication system, introducing a rhizomatic notion that eroded
the centralistic principle of the twentieth-century mediatic system.
Conceptually, the free radio movement had anticipated the post-
mediatic tendency that the Internet is today bringing to maturity.


Guattari had always played fearlessly with technology, yet he person-
ally did not use a typewriter and wrote with a cheap ball-point pen

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