system that continued in the following decades, with liberating but
also catastrophic and panic-inducing results.
The becoming of communication is in a close relationship with the
becoming of social perception and of aesthetics. In Chaosmosis, Guattari
speaks of ‘the new aesthetic paradigm’ (‘le nouveau paradigme esthé-
tique’): the theme of his study is the mutation of the epidermis, of the
contact zone between bodies, of sensibility.
What is aesthetics? In contrast to the prevalent understanding of
Western philosophy, aesthetics is not only the science of an object’s
beauty. Aesthetics is also (and this is what is of greatest interest) the
science of sensibility, of perception, the science of the contact between
epidermises, and thus the science of the projection of worlds by sub-
jectivities in becoming.
There is no social question any more essential than this one, because
cognitive capitalism is an affection of sensibility more than anything
else. In the sphere of globalized capitalism, the essential site of work, of
economic exploitation, of psychic suffering and affective solicitation is
the human mind and, more precisely, the body-mind relationship
undergoing the pathogenic effects of informational overstimulation.
Capitalistic acceleration, the rarefaction of the contact between bodies,
replaced by communication, planetary ethnic deterritorialization, the
disagregation and collapse of traditional anthropological models: all
of these act on the modalities of elaboration of the social mind and,
above all, on sensibility. The emotional body is the site in which the
most delicate and extreme of battles is being waged.
The mediatic bombardment of social attention produces brutal
effects on sensibility. The imaginary is invaded by hyperfast mon-
sters, mutagenic viruses of the collective psyche. And meanwhile,
the unleashing of the mediatic epidemic taking the name of AIDS,
a contagion that is essentially spread in the human psyche, goes
hand in hand with the virtualization of relations among conscious
This is the sphere of interest of schizoanalytic aesthetics: its problem
is not beauty as an object of contemplation, but the way in which
bodies perceive each other in the social field. In an era of displacement
and migrations, of contaminations and integralisms, of nationalisms
and aggression, an essential political problem is that of the semantics
of social proximity, and thus of aesthetics.
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