a single process. Then at a certain point we understood that the dia-
lectic was a logical trap that little by little had ensnared us and pre-
vented us from seeing the world, the swarm of events and persons,
of solitudes and encounters without meaning, without loyalty, and
without foreseeable conclusions.
Thirty years after his renaissance, Hegel seemed buried. He still is, in
a certain sense, and we can affirm without fear of rebuttal that nobody
will ever be able to exhume his body.
And yet (a miracle of this perfectly circular thinking) it seems imposs-
ible to move beyond it, because that thinking wished itself to be and
was the thought of overcoming (Aufhebung). This is the essential point
for a definition of modernity, which is a world of forms in constant
overcoming, and thus appears impossible to be overcome.
This is what I say when I say Hegel: the totalizing thought of over-
coming that both sweeps away and maintains.
Today, I know, Hegel seems to be the distant residue of an era in
which one could think in terms of totality and totalization through
overcoming. Today we speak rather of globalization, of globality. And
we cannot think of two more diverse, more distant concepts (not anti-
thetical, mind you, but simply other) than these: globality and totality.
The concept of totality implies a process in which the parts disappear
and at the same time are maintained, they are negated in order to be
recognized as a simple moment of a higher synthesis in which the
parts are both negated and maintained. We are dealing with an essen-
tially historical concept. Totalization is the process through which
whatever is given as separate comes to be dissolved and subsumed, that
is, translated into its negation, thanks to which it finds its spirit, its
vocation, and its truth.
The concept of globality is rather a functional concept that implies
integration, intersecting, combinations and interfaces. These have nothing
to do with negation or with overcoming. Parts remain what they are,
and nobody cares what your spirit is made of. What is important is that
you can interface your surface with the surface of another entity, of ano-
ther part. Globalization means functional integration of parts that main-
tain their independent partiality and nevertheless function together,
thanks to interfaces that do not change their interiority, but connect by
recombining together. In globalization, we participate in the connections
between discreet and recombined elements, while in Hegelian total-
ization, we observe the work of negation accomplished by a continuous
ensemble from which a new ensemble continuously emerges. For me,
to encounter Deleuze and Guattari’s thought, to acquire their way of
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