Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
ciple of difference ... (Empiricism and Subjectivity, 87; Hume,

Thus from start to finish, Deleuze addresses difference, that is, the
emergence of novelty, of the given, and not identity, constants, laws,
what has permanence.

We must begin with this experience, because it is theexperience. It
does not presuppose anything else and nothing else precedes it. It is
not the affection of an implicated subject, nor the modification or
mode of a substance. (Empiricism and Subjectivity,88, emphasis in
the original)

The mind is singular. To speak about the mind, we must speak about
one mind, about a route through the events that make the subject:
events-affections (climatic agents, as it were, of the status of the mind)
and event-actions, cognitive and practical projections of the mind in
the surrounding world, the movement of groping exploration and the
following of maps.

Dialectic and genealogy

Deleuze’s empiricism is the way through which eventology can be con-
structed. In Nietzsche and Philosophy, he faces this problem in all its
breadth. In this book, Deleuze traces the philosophical landscape from
which his notion of the event emerges. Nietzsche’s thought constitutes
the line along which he proceeds in order to move beyond the abyss
that opened with the collapse, with the disappearance of God, with the
disappearance of an ontological foundation of values. In this book,
Deleuze says that Nietzsche’s thought should be understood as an
answer to the dialectic. The relationship between Nietzsche and Hegel,
although apparently marginal in the text, is in reality of the greatest
Contrary to what many maintain, there are many reasons to suppose
that Nietzsche thoroughly knew Hegel’s thought. In fact, according to
Deleuze, we are bound to understand very poorly the ensemble of
Nietzsche’s work if we don’t understand against whom his fundamen-
tal concepts are directed.

It is sufficient to say that dialectic is a labor and empiricism an
enjoyment [jouissance]. And who says that there is more thought in

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