been pronounced, and that consciousness must rediscover in the pro-
cess of its historical realization.
The method of history is the method of this necessity that abolishes
singularity and experience.
To this method – we know all too well – the suffering singularity
refuses to submit (albeit desperately, since modernity does not leave
the single any way to escape); furthermore, questioning the past about
the innumerable possibilities that it has annulled and suppressed is the
complete opposite of the historical method and of politics. Modernity
turns on a machine to reduce the diversity of human existence, or
more precisely a machine producing a kind of homologization that
idealistic philosophy assumes as perfect, while in reality modern
history shows it to be interminable and totalitarian. The totality is
never realized as the becoming true of particularity, but limits itself to
suppressing particularities by overwhelming them with a policing
The defeated, the deported, the exiled, the persecuted, the exploited,
the disturbed all rebel against this reduction and this idea of necessity.
This historical necessity is the sanction of an intolerable suffering, of
the humiliation and annihilation of singular life.
How is it possible to tell the story of all that hasn’t happened in
history? How is it possible to recount all of these nullified events, all of
these negated existences, all the forms of life and consciousness that
never reached completion because they were destroyed and eliminated
by historical necessity, by the force of what had to happen just because
of the hypostasis and divinization of economic laws?
The living singularity is suppressed to make room for history. The
experience of the living and conscious organism is annulled in order to
make a path for the Subject.
The living substance is that being which is truly subject, or what is
the same thing, is truly realized and actual solely in the process of
positing itself, or in mediating with its own self its transitions from
one state or position to the opposite. As subject it is pure and simple
negativity ... True reality is merely this process of reinstating self-
identity, of reflecting into its own self in and from its other, and is
not an original and primal unity as such. It is the process of its own
becoming, the circle which presupposes its end as its purpose, and
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