Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
mechanical or bare repetitions (repetitions of the Same) would find
their raison d’êtrein the more profound structures of a hidden repeti-
tion in which a ‘differential’ is disguised and displaced. (Deleuze,
Difference and Repetition, xx)

Once again, as in the book on Nietzsche, the concept of difference is
proposed in a framework that explicitly diverges from that of Hegel.
The process of becoming is not understood in a finalistic direction; the
event cannot be overcome by a totality that encompasses it – rather,
the event can only be understood as untimely.

Following Nietzsche, we discover, as more profound than time and
eternity, the untimely; philosophy is neither a philosophy of
history, nor a philosophy of the eternal, but untimely, always and
only untimely – that is to say, ‘acting counter to our time and
thereby acting on our time and, let us hope, for the benefit of time
to come’. (Difference and Repetition, xxi; citation from Nietzsche,
Untimely Meditations, 60)

The temporal perspective within which we can understand the event
is that of an uninterrupted discontinuity that cannot be totalized because
it can only be represented from within.

Eternal return cannot mean the return of the Identical because
it presupposes a world (that of the will to power) in which all
previous identities have been abolished and dissolved. Returning
is being, but only the being of becoming. (Difference and Repetition,

Identity can no longer be understood as the first principle, but
as a principle in becoming, as the metamorphosis of the different
that reflects on itself by means of a provisional process of self-

God makes the world by calculating, but his calculations never
work out exactly, and this inexactitude or injustice in the result,
this irreducible inequality, forms the condition of the world.
The world ‘happens’ while God calculates; if the calculation were
exact, there would be no world. The world can be regarded as a
‘remainder’, and the real in the world understood in terms of frac-
tional or even incommensurable numbers. Every phenomenon refers

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