and material secretion. The molecular dimension is that in which each
semiotic agent metabolizes and assembles the real and semiotic flows
that it produces.
Metabolizes and assembles, decomposes and recomposes.
The molecular is not opposed to the molar, but tells its true story.
The molar are institutions, languages, states, recognized hierarchical
They are the forms of power and ideology, of consensus and
Under these forms and their disputes there swarms an infinity of
organic, psychic, mechanistic, cybernetic, technological segments that
are in continuous recomposition.
The fragments are assembled according to principles of heterogeneity
(as ‘Rhizome’ will later explain, the introduction to A Thousand Plateaus
that was published eight years after Anti-Oedipus).
What is the meaning of this distinction between two regions: one mol-
ecular and the other molar; one microphysical or micrological, the
other statistical and gregarious? Is this anything more than a metaphor
lending the unconscious a distinction grounded in physics, when we
speak of an opposition between intra-atomic phenomena and the
mass phenomena that operate through statistical accumulation, obey-
ing the laws of aggregates? But in reality the unconscious belongs to
the realm of physics; the body without organs and its intensities are
not metaphors, but matter itself. (Anti-Oedipus, 283)
Anti-Oedipus: microphysics and micropsychic
In the molecular dimension we can perceive the continuity between
organic and inorganic material and the becoming of the psyche as an
assemblage of semiotic fragments from a brain incessantly redefining
itself with respect to its neuronal material, the infinite speed of its cog-
nitive potentiality, and even the informational flow by which it is
inundated, drenched and confused.
Desiring machines are not reducible to any totalization or any foun-
dational truth. These machines
... represent nothing, signify nothing, mean nothing, and are exactly
what one makes of them, what is made with them, what they make in
themselves. Desiring-machines work according to regimes of synthesis
that have no equivalent in the large aggregates. Jacques Monod has
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