Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography

(Jeff_L) #1
This is what Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophical creationism consists
of, allowing us to see beyond the horizon of the twentieth century,
beyond the horizon of historical thought.
From Hegel onward, the concept of truth was withdrawn from the
gnoseological field in which it had flourished in the course of the pre-
ceding history of Western philosophy and was then reintroduced in
the historical field. The problem of truth for Hegel is no longer that of
the correspondence of the thing to the intellect (adaequatio rei ad intel-
lectum) that Hegel denounced as a purely intellectual construction.^2
That means that the problem of truth is no longer definable, that is, in
purely cognitive or representational terms, but dialectically, in terms of
realization, of fulfillment.
‘In my view ... everything depends on grasping and expressing the
ultimate truth not as Substance but as Subject as well,’ Hegel wrote in
the fundamental ‘Preface’ to The Phenomenology of Mind(80).

The truth is the whole. The whole, however, is merely the essential
nature reaching its completeness through the process of its own
development. Of the Absolute, it must be said that it is essentially a
result, that only at the end is it what it is in truth. (The Phenomenology
of Mind, 82)

The truth is not the adaptation of the mind to the already given
reality for the simple reason that reality is ‘not given’. The reality that
interests the dialectic is not the reality of immediacy, but that of a
process of mediation, the becoming true that is only realized through
the ‘work of the negative’, through historical, political struggle,
through the transformation of the given and the realization of the
This essential lesson of dynamic Hegelianism nourished the generation
that prepared ’68 in Europe, in Germany, in Italy, and even in France and
in the USA, however differently. It is a matter of dialectical and revo-
lutionary thinking that pulses vividly in the pages of The Phenomenology
of Mindas much as in Hegel’s later systematic works, and that was
brought forth by the excavation work of authors such as Hyppolite,
Kojève, Adorno and Marcuse.
The dynamic re-reading of Hegel filtered into the ’68 culture through
works such as Reason and Revolutionby Herbert Marcuse:

Reality is the constantly renewed result of existence; the conscious
or unconscious process in which that which becomes something

Why is Anti-Oedipusthe Book of the ’68 Movement? 79

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