III.531, Primio ̄n, Ptolemaios (Med.), Scribonius Largus, Terentius Valens, Theodorus
Priscianus, Threptos, Timaios (Pharm.).
Oak, Winter (Latin: aesculus; probably Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.): Palladius Rutilius
Taurus Aemilianus.
Oinanthe: (see Dropwort)
O ̄khros (Greek; Lathyrus ochrus (L.) DC.): Phainias.
Oleander (Latin: ther(i)onarca; Nerium oleander L.): pseudo-De ̄mokritos (Pharm.).
Olive (Greek: elaa; Olea europaea L.): Alkimio ̄n, Amphio ̄n, Vindonius Anatolios, Androtio ̄n,
Attalos (Med.), Attalos III of Pergamon, Bathullos, Castus, Damigero ̄n, Damonikos,
Diogene ̄s (Pharm.), Diokle ̄s of Karustos, Diophantos of Lukia, Dioskouride ̄s
(Metrology), Eleutheros, Epigonos, Euangeus, Euelpistos, Eutonios, Florentinus,
Geoponika, Halieus, Harpalos (Pharm.), Hermogene ̄s of Smurna, Hierax, Hikesios
of Smurna, Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos, Ioudaios, Iulianus (of Alexandria?), Iunia/Iounias,
Khalkideus, Kloniakos, Ko ̄dios Toukos, Kte ̄sipho ̄n, Leukios, Mege ̄s, Menelaos
(Pharm.), Menoitas/Menoitios, Minucianus, Mnaseas (Method.), Olumpos, O ̄rio ̄n,
Papyrus Turner. 14, Pasio ̄n, Philagrios, Philokle ̄s, Philo ̄tas, Plutarch, Polustomos,
Porcius Cato, Primio ̄n, Prothlius/Protlius, Puthio ̄n (Pharm.), Samithra/Tanitros,
Sertorius Clemens, So ̄kratio ̄n, So ̄ranos of Ephesos, Sunero ̄s, Telamo ̄n, Telephane ̄s,
Theophulaktos, Timokrate ̄s, Trupho ̄n of Gortun, Zo ̄simos (Med.).
Onothuris (Latin; Epilobium angustifolium L.): pseudo-De ̄mokritos (Pharm.).
Opium (Greek: opion; cf. Poppy): Abaskantos, Akhaios, Akhilla ̄s, Anthaios Sextilius,
Aphroda ̄s, Aphros, Apollinarios (Pharm.), Aspasios (Pharm.), Asterios, Athe ̄nippos,
Atime ̄tos, Bola ̄s, Brenitus, Candidus, Cornelius, Diagoras of Cyprus, Diokle ̄s of
Khalke ̄do ̄n, Diome ̄de ̄s, Dio ̄n (Med.), Do ̄sitheos (Pharm.), Eugeneia, Euhe ̄me ̄ros,
Euskhe ̄mos, Florus, Gennadios, Glauko ̄n/Glaukos (Med.), Harpalos (Pharm.),
Harpokra ̄s, Harpokratio ̄n, Hermeias (Ophthalm.), Hermolaos (Pharm.), He ̄ro ̄n (Med.),
Hierax, Kharikle ̄s, Kharixene ̄s, Kleophantos, Krateros, Leukios, Lingo ̄n, Lukome ̄de ̄s,
Lunkeus, Mne ̄side ̄s, Moskhio ̄n (Pharm.), Naukratite ̄s medicus, Neilammo ̄n, Nike ̄te ̄s,
Nikolaos (Pharm.), Philo ̄n of Tarsos, Philo ̄nide ̄s of Catina, Philoxenos, Poludeuke ̄s,
Pomponius Bassus, Proëkhios, Pro ̄ta ̄s, Proxenos, Prutanis, Ptolemaios (Pharm.),
Puramos, Quintus, Sergius of Babylo ̄n, Silo, So ̄krate ̄s (Med.), Solo ̄n, Strato ̄n of Be ̄rutos,
Sunero ̄s, Terentius Valens, Theophilos (Pharm.), Theosebios, Zo ̄ilos of Macedon,
Zo ̄simos (Med.).
Orache (Greek: atraphaxus; Atriplex hortensis L.): Dionusios (Methodist), Dionusios of Utica,
Solo ̄n.
Orchil (Greek: phukos; Roc(c)ella tinctoria (L.) de Cand.): Iouba, Thaïs.
Oregano (Greek: origanon; Origanum vulgare L.): Petrikhos, Praecepta Salubria.
Papyrus (Greek: papuros and khartos; Cyperus papyrus L.): Apelle ̄s (of Thasos?),
Aristolaos, Idios, Kleoboulos (Pharm.), Priscianus, Ptolemaios (Pharm.), Puthios,
Parsley (Greek: petroselinon [“rock celery”]; Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A.W. Hill;
cf. Celery): Amarantos, Ambrosios of Puteoli, Anastasios, Aristokle ̄s, Aspasios
(Pharm.), Cornelius, Dalio ̄n, Dionusios (Med.), Dionusios (Methodist), Dionusios of
Utica, Doarios, Euge ̄rasia, Harpokra ̄s, Iulianus (Pharm.), Khrusippos of Knidos (I),
Marcellus (Pharm.), Mithradate ̄s VI, Proklos the Methodist, Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia,
Ze ̄nophilos.