The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1

Idem and D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers 2 vv. (Cambridge 1987).
J. Longrigg, Greek rational medicine: Philosophy and medicine from Alcmaeon to the Alexandrians (London 1993).
E. Maass, Commentariorum in Aratum reliquiae (Berlin 1898).
Anne McCabe, A Byzantine Encyclopaedia of Horse Medicine: The Sources, Compilation, and Transmission of the
Hippiatrica (Oxford 2007).
R.J. Mainstone, Hagia Sophia (New York 1988).
D. Manetti and A. Roselli, “Galeno commentatore di Ippocrate,” ANRW 2.37.2 (1994) 1529–
J. Mansfeld and D. Runia, Aetiana. The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer I. The Sources (Leiden
M.-H. Marganne, Inventaire Analytique des Papyrus Grecs de Médecine (Geneva 1981).
Eadem, L’ophthalmologie dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine (Leiden 1994) = SAM 8.
Eadem, “Les medicaments estampillés dans le Corpus Galénqiue,” Galen on Pharmacology, ed. A. Debru
= SAM 16 (1997) 153–174.
Eadem, La chirurgie dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine d’aprés les papyrus littéraires grecs = SAM 17 (1998).
Marquardt, Müller and Helmreich: see “editions,” above.
E.W. Marsden, Greek and Roman Artillery 2 vv. (Oxford 1969, 1971).
Jean Martin, Histoire du texte des Phénomènes d’Aratos (Paris 1956).
T.J. Mathiesen, Apollo’s Lyre (Lincoln 1999).
J. Matthews, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, A.D. 364– 425 (Oxford 1975; repr. w/postscript 1990;
repr. 1998).
I. Mazzini and F. Fusco, I testi di medicina latini antichi (Rome 1985).
Jørgen Mejer, Diogenes Laertius and his Hellenistic Background (Wiesbaden 1978).
A. Meredith, The Cappadocians (London 1995).
M. Mertens, Les alchimistes grecs 4.1 (Paris: CUF 1995).
M. Michler, Die Alexandrinischen Chirurgen = Die Hellenistische Chirurgie 1 (Wiesbaden 1968).
J.I. Miller Spice Trade of the Roman Empire (Oxford 1969).
P. Moraux, Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen von Andronikos bis Alexander von Aphrodisias 3 vv. (Berlin and
New York 1973, 1984, 2001).
Ph. Mudry and J. Pigeaud, edd., Les Écoles médicales à Rome: Actes du 2ème colloque international sur les textes
médicaux latins antiques, Lausanne septembre 1986 (Geneva 1991).
Ian Mueller, “Greek arithmetic, geometry, and harmonics: Thales to Plato,” in C.C.W. Taylor, ed., The
Routledge History of Philosophy (1997) 1.271–322.
Nachmanson (1918): see “editions,” above.
C.A. Nallino, “Tracce di opere greche giunte agli Arabi per trafila pehlevica,” A Volume of Oriental
Studies Presented to Professor E.G. Browne, T.W. Arnold and R. Nicholson, edd. (Cambridge 1922)
345 – 363, reprinted in Idem, Raccolta di scritti editi e inediti 6 (Rome 1948) 285–303.
R. Netz, “Classical Mathematics in the Classical mediterranean,” Mediterranean Historical Review 12.2
(1997) 1–24.
O. Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (Berlin, Heidelberg and NewYork 1975).
Idem and H.B. van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes = Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 48 (1959).
V. Nutton, “Drug Trade in Antiquity,” JRoySocMed 78 (1985) 138–145; repr. in From Democedes to Harvey
(1988), #IX.
E. Oder, “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Landwirtschaft bei den Griechen,” RhM 45 (1890) 58–99,
212 – 222; 48 (1893) 1–40 (3 parts of one article).
D.J. O’Meara, Pythagoras Revived: mathematics and philosophy in late antiquity (Oxford 1989).
A. Önnerfors, “Das medizinische Latein von Celsus bis Cassius Felix,” ANRW 2.37.1 (1993) 227– 392
and 924–937.
A. Panaino, “L’influsso greco nella letteratura e nella cultura medio-persiana,” Autori classici in Lingue del
Vicino e Medio Oriente (Rome 2001) 29–45.
W. Pape and G.E. Benseler, Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen 2 vv. (Braunschweig 1884).

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