Environmental Microbiology of Aquatic and Waste Systems

(Martin Jones) #1

48 4 Taxonomy, Physiology, and Ecology of Aquatic Microorganisms

Taxonomy is important because it:

  1. Allows the orderly organization of huge amounts
    of information regarding organisms

  2. Enables predictions about their properties and
    formation of hypothesis about them

  3. Facilitates the accurate characterization and
    identification of “unknown” organisms

  4. Places organisms in meaningful manageable groups
    and thus facilitates scientific communication

4.1.2 Evolution of the Classification of Living Things

Landmarks in the evolution and development of bio­
logical classification may be ascribed to the contribu­
tions of the following:

  1. Linnaeus (1707–1778)
    The Swedish naturalist, Carolus Linnaeus, is credited
    with introducing the earliest organized classification
    of living things in his Systema Naturae or natural
    system. He divided living things into plants and ani­
    mals. Based on morphology and motility, the dis­
    tinction between the two groups of organisms was
    clear: plants were green and did not move; on the
    other hand, animals were not green, but moved.

  2. Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919)
    Soon after the discovery of the microscope, previ­
    ously invisible microscopic organisms were observed,
    some of which had properties common to both plants
    and animals. Some such as Euglena were green like,
    but they also moved about like animals. Because the
    clear­cut criteria which separated plants from animals
    were absent in these “new” organisms, the German
    biologist who was a contemporary of Charles Darwin,
    in 1866 coined the name Protista for a third kingdom,
    in addition to the Plant and Animal Kingdoms.

  3. Robert Harding Whittaker (1920–1980)
    Whittaker was an American. Born in Wichita, Kansas,
    he worked in various places including the University
    of California, Irvine, and Cornell University. In 1968,
    he proposed the five­kingdom taxonomic classifica­
    tion of living things into the Animalia, Plantae, Fungi,
    Protista (Algae and Protozoa), and Monera (Bacteria).
    His categorization of living things was based on three
    criteria: cell­type (whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic);
    organizational level (unicellular or multi­cellular);
    nutritional type (autotrophy or heterotrophy).

  4. Carl R. Woese (1928–)
    The current classification of living things is based on
    the work of Carl Robert Woese of the University of

Illinois. While earlier classifications were based
mainly on morphological characteristics and cell­
type, following our greater understanding of living
things at the molecular level, Woese’s classification
is based on the sequence of the gene of the ribosomal
RNA (rRNA) in the 16S of the small subunit of the
prokaryotic ribosome, or the 18S of the small subunit
of the eukaryotic ribosome (Petti et al. 2006 ).
The sequence of the rRNA in the 16S or 18S of the
small subunit of the ribosome is used for the following
(a) The ribosome is an important organelle in all
living things where it is used for a basic function
for the support of life, namely, protein synthesis.
(b) The 16S (prokaryote) or 18 S (eukaryote) rRNA is
an essential component of the ribosome.
(c) The function of 16S or 18 S rRNA is identical in
all ribosomes.
(d) The sequences of the 16S or 18 S rRNA are ancient
(or highly conserved) and change only slowly with
evolutionary time.
(e) Organisms can generally inherit genes in two ways:
From parent to offspring (vertical gene transfer), or
by horizontal or lateral gene transfer, in which genes
jump between unrelated organisms, a common
phenomenon in prokaryotes. There is little or no
lateral gene transfer in the sequences in the 16S or
18 S RNA of the ribosomal small units.
All the above properties make the sequence of the
rRNA in the 16S or 18S of the small subunit of the
ribosome useful as molecular chronometers for mea­
suring evolutionary changes among organisms. Using
this method, living things are now divided into three
domains: Archae, Bacteria, and Eukarya. A diagram­
matic representation of the three domains is given in
Fig. 4. 1 , and their distinguishing properties are given
in Table 4. 1 (Woese 1987 , 2000, 2002 ).

4.1.3 Determining Taxonomic Groups Within Domains

The smallest unit of biological classification is the
Species. Species sharing similar properties are put in a
Genus. Genera (plural of genus) sharing similar charac­
teristics are put in a Family. Families with similar pro­
perties are arranged in an Order. Orders with similar
properties are classified as into a Class. Classes which
share similar properties are grouped into a Phylum.
Phyla (plural of phylum) with similar properties are put
in a Kingdom and similar kingdoms are in a Domain.
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