Environmental Microbiology of Aquatic and Waste Systems

(Martin Jones) #1

4.1 Taxonomy of Microorganisms in Aquatic Environments 51

Table 4.3 Some properties used for bacterial classification and

S. No. Property

  1. Nutritional type
    (i) Autotrophy
    (ii) Heterotrophy

  2. Energy release
    (i) Lithotrophy
    (ii) Organotrophy

  3. Cell wall: Gram reaction
    (i) Gram negative
    (ii) Gram positive

  4. Cell morphology
    (i) Cell shapes
    (ii) Cell aggregation
    (iii) Flagellation – motility
    (iv) Spore formation and location
    (v) Special staining, e.g., Ziehl–Nielsen

  5. Physiological properties
    (i) Utilization of various sugars
    (ii) Utilization of various polysaccharides
    (iii) Utilization of various nitrogenous
    (iv) Oxygen requirement
    (v) Temperature requirements
    (vi) pH requirement
    (vii) Production of special enzymes, e.g.,
    catalase, coagulase, optochin, oxidase

  6. Antigenic properties

  7. Molecular (nucleic acid) methods
    (i) G + C composition
    (ii) DNA:DNA hybridization
    (iii) Ribotyping
    (iv) Fluorescent in­situ hybridization (FISH)

  8. Chemical analysis (Chemotaxonomy)
    (i) Lipid analysis
    (ii) Protein analysis

(b) Source of reducing equivalent
During the generation of energy in the cell,
electrons are transferred from one compound to
another. An organism is said to be organ­
otrophic when it uses organic compounds as a
source of electrons. When the source of elec­
trons is inorganic, it is said to be lithotrophic.
(c) Source of energy
Some organisms derive energy for the genera­
tion of ATP used for the biosynthesis of new
compounds and other cellular activities from
sunlight; such organisms are phototrophic.
When the generation of ATP occurs through
energy obtained from chemical reactions, the
organism is said to be chemotrophic.
The carbon source utilized, the source of
reducing equivalent, and the source of energy
determine the nutritional type of bacteria, and a
wide variety of combinations of these three is
possible. Table 4.4 gives a selection of the
possible permutations.

  1. Cell wall: Gram reaction
    The Gram stain was devised by the German doctor,
    Christian Gram in 1884 and divides bacteria into
    two groups: Gram positive and Gram negative. On
    account of the greater thickness of peptidoglycan in
    the Gram positive wall (see Fig. 4.2), the iodine­
    crystal violet stain in the Gram stain is retained when
    decolorized with dilute acid, whereas it is removed
    in the Gram negative cell wall. The Gram stain also
    divides all bacteria into two groups regarding their
    susceptibility to the classical antibiotic penicillin:
    Gram­positive bacteria, being susceptible, while
    Gram negative bacteria are not (Fig. 4. 3 ).

  2. Cell morphology
    (a) Individual cell shapes
    Cell shapes in bacteria are limited and are
    spheres (coccus– cocci, plural), rods, spiral, or
    comma or vibrio (see Fig. 4.4).

Table 4.4 Nutritional types of living things

S/No Nutritional type Energy source Carbon source Reducing equivalent Example
1 Photoautotrophs Light CO 2 Organotrophic Plants, Cyanobacteria
2 Photoautotrophs Light CO 2 Lithotrophic Sulfur bacteria e.g.,
H 2 S → S Beggitoa sp.
3 Chemoautotrophs Chemotrophic CO 2 Oxidation of sulfur Thiobacillus oxidans
4 Photoheterotrophs Light Organic compounds Organotrophic Purple non­sulfur bacteria
5 Chemoheterotrophs Chemotrophic Organic compounds Organotrophic Animals, fungi, protozoa,
most bacteria

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