Environmental Microbiology of Aquatic and Waste Systems

(Martin Jones) #1

4.1 Taxonomy of Microorganisms in Aquatic Environments 69

bacteria (apart from cyanobacteria), oxygen is not
released because water does not provide the H
which converts the CO 2 to carbohydrates. Rather,
light energy excites bacteriochlorophyll leading to
energy which splits H from H 2 S. In the dark, many
photosynthetic bacteria can produce energy by the
transfer of electron, or anaerobically.

Aspects of the Physiology of Photosynthetic Bacteria
The photosynthetic bacteria can be divided into two
groups: The anaerobic photosynthetic groups and the
aerobic photosynthetic bacteria.

  1. The anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria (AnPB)
    The bacterial order Rhodospirillales contains three
    photosynthetic families:
    (a) Rhodospirillaceae: Purple non­sulfur bacteria,
    e.g., Rhodospirillum. These cells contain bacte­
    riochlorophyll “a” or “b” located on specialized
    membranes continuous with the cytoplasmic
    membrane. They are not able to use elemental
    sulfur as electron donor and typically use an
    organic electron donor, such as succinate or
    malate, but can also use hydrogen gas.
    (b) Chromatiaceae: These include purple sulfur bac­
    teria, e.g., Chromatium. They are able to use sul­
    fur and sulfide as the sole photosynthetic electron
    donor and sulfur can be oxidized to sulfate. They
    can use inorganic sulfur compounds, such as
    hydrogen sulfide as an electron donor. Purple sul­
    fur bacteria must fix CO 2 to survive, whereas non­
    sulfur purple bacteria can grow aerobically in the
    dark by respiration on an organic carbon source.
    They store elemental sulfur inside their cells, and
    these appear globules within their cells, hence
    their name, purple sulfur bacteria.
    (c) Chlorobiaceae: These are green sulfur bacteria;
    their cells contain bacteriochlorophyll “c” or
    “d” located in chlorobium vesicles attached to
    the cytoplasmic membrane.
    (d) Heliobacteria: The heliobacteria are anaerobic
    and phototrophic, converting light energy into
    chemical energy by photosynthesis using a PSI
    type reaction center (RC) (P798). The primary
    pigment involved is bacteriochlorophyll g, which
    is unique to the group and has a unique absorp­
    tion spectrum. On account of this, the heliobac­
    teria occupy their own special environmental
    niche. Phototrophy takes place on the cell mem­
    brane, which does not form folds or compart­
    ments as it does in purple phototrophic bacteria.

Using 16 S RNA analysis, they are placed among
the Firmicutes, Gram positive bacteria; although,
they do not stain Gram positive, but they form heat
resistant endospores. Heliobacteria are the only fir­
micutes known to conduct photosynthesis. They are
photoheterotrophic, i.e., they require organic car­
bon sources. They do not fix carbon dioxide, they
lack rubisco, and do not have Calvin cycle.
They are found in soils, especially water logged
soils such as in paddy fields. They are also strong
nitrogen fixers.

  1. The aerobic photosynthetic bacteria (APB )
    The cyanobacteria are photosynthetic and aerobic,
    but recently another photosynthetic aerobic group
    was discovered. It was previously generally believed
    that anoxygenic photosynthesis was an anaerobic
    growth mode of either obligately anaerobic, or fac­
    ultatively anaerobic bacteria capable of switching
    between respiration under aerobic conditions and
    phototrophy under anaerobic conditions. Recently
    (1979), the first reported member of the aerobic
    phototrophic bacteria, Erythrobacter longus,
    discovered in the Bay of Japan, changed our
    previous knowledge of the phototrophic bacteria.
    APBs have since been found in a wide variety of
    both marine and freshwater habitats, including
    acid mine drainage sites, soils, saline lakes, and
    soda lakes. (Rathgeber et al. 2004 ). Other genera
    of APBs found in freshwater and marine envi­
    ronments include the following: Erythrobacter,,
    Roseobacter,, Porphyro bacter,, Acidiphilium
    Erythromonas, Erythromi crobium, Roseococcus,
    and Sandaracinobacter.
    The distinguishing features of APBs are:
    (a) They produce their photosynthetic apparatus
    only in the presence of oxygen and the absence
    of light.
    (b) The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a)
    incorporated into light harvesting (LH) and
    reaction center (RC) complexes capable of
    transforming light into electrochemical energy
    under aerobic conditions.
    (c) A relatively low amount of photosynthetic units
    per cell.
    (d) Extreme inhibition of BChl synthesis by light.
    (e) An abundance of carotenoid pigments.
    (f) Apparent lack of intracytoplasmic photosyn­
    thetic membranes.
    (g) The inability to grow phototrophically under
    anaerobic conditions.

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