4.1 Taxonomy of Microorganisms in Aquatic Environments 71
effluents that they readily convert the ammonium
compounds therein into nitrates. The nitrates can accu
mulate in groundwater, and may ultimately enter drinking
water. Regulations in many countries control the amount
of nitrate in drinking water, because in the anaerobic
conditions of the animal alimentary canal, nitrates can be
reduced to highly reactive nitrites by microorganisms.
Nitrites are absorbed from the gut and bind to hemoglobin,
reducing its oxygencarrying capacity. In young babies,
this can lead to a respiratory illness known as blue baby
syndrome. Nitrites can also react with amino compounds,
forming nitrosamines which are highly carcinogenic.
Denitrification is the conversion of nitrate to gaseous
compounds (nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and N 2 ) by
microorganisms. Denitrification goes through some
combination of the following intermediate forms:
The denitrification process can be expressed in
terms of electron transfer thus:
Denitrification is brought by a large number of
different bacteria which are mainly heterotrophic.
They complete the nitrogen cycle by returning N 2 to
the atmosphere. Denitrification occurs under special
conditions in both soil and aquatic conditions, includ
ing marine environments. Denitrification occurs when
oxygen supply is low such as in ground water, wet
lands in seafloors, and other poorly aerated parts of
aquatic systems. The conditions which encourage den
itrification are those in which there is a supply of oxi
dizable organic matter, and absence of oxygen and the
availability of reducible nitrogen sources. Under such
conditions, the terminal electron acceptor for the deni
trifying bacteria is not oxygen but the nitrogen com
pounds given in the formula above. The organisms
prefer nitrates and the other compounds in the equa
tion, in the order they occur in the equation above and
ending with nitrous oxide. When the terminal electron
acceptor is an inorganic compound such as those in the
formula above, the condition is also termed respiration
as is also the case with oxygen.
A mixture of gaseous nitrogen products is often
produced because of the stepwise use of nitrate, nitrite,
nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide as electron acceptors in
anaerobic respiration. The commonest denitrifying
bacteria include several species of Pseudomonas,
Alkaligenes, Bacillus,, and Paracoccus denitrificans.
Autotrophic denitrifiers (e.g., Thiobacillus denitrifi
cans) have also been identified. In general, however,
several species of bacteria are involved in the com
plete reduction of nitrate to molecular nitrogen, and
more than one enzymatic pathway have also been
In some organisms, direct reduction from nitrate to
ammonium (also known as dissimilatory nitrate
reduction to ammonium or DNRA) may also occur;
although, this is less common than denitrification.
Anammox, an abbreviation for ANaerobic AMMonium
OXidation, is a globally important microbial process
of the nitrogen cycle. It takes place in many natural
The bacteria mediating this process were identified
only 20 years ago. They belong to the bacterial phylum
Planctomycetes, of which Planctomyces and Pirellula
are the best known genera. Four genera of anammox
bacteria have been identified: Brocadia, Kuenenia,
Anammoxoglobus, Jettenia (all freshwater species),
and Scalindua (marine species).
NO 32 NO NO N O 2 N 2
nitrate nitrite nitric oxide nitrous oxide gas
−−→→ → → ↑
2NO 10e 12H N 6H O. 3 22
−− ++ + →+
Fig. 4.14 The enzymes of nitrogen fixation (Reproduced from
Berg et al. 2002. With permission)
Note: Ferrodoxins are a group of redbrown proteins contain
ing iron and sulfur, which act as electron carriers during photo
synthesis, nitrogen fixation, or oxidationreduction reactions in
green plants, algae, and anaerobic bacteria.
Nitrogenase is a twoprotein complex. One component, nitro-
genase reductase is an ironcontaining protein that accepts
electrons from ferredoxin, a strong reductant, and then delivers
them to the other component, nitrogenase, which contains Iron
(Fe) and molybdenum (Mo).
The overall reaction in nitrogen fixation via nitrogenase is:
8H+ + N 2 + 8e + 16ATP + 16H 2 O →
2NH 3 + H 2 + 16ADP + 16Pi + 16H+