I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
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have a natural tendency to gesticulate with the hands below shoul-
der level, although media trainers sometimes succeed in getting
their executive and politician clients to gesticulate higher for the
cameras. When I was doing a lot of theater and studying to portray
an old man, I wondered, “What makes an old man look old?” One
thing I soon realized is that old Anglo men don’t raise their elbows
above their waist.
Examine the differences between effeminate gay and straight.
Why does Jack McFarland in Will & Grace look so much more
flamboyant than Will Truman, who is also gay? Watch how he moves
his arms—how high they are—as compared to Will the lawyer,
who has less flagrant displays of passion. Will looks more
stereotypically masculine, even doing the same family of gestures,
because his movements are lower.

If a man puts his
hands on his hips, it
meansdefiance, as
long as his fingers are
pointed toward his
crotch. It’s an obvious
symbol of masculinity.
Women typically put
their hands on their hips
with fingers pointed
toward the butt cheeks
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