I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 101

to show the same emotion. If a man does that, some may perceive
it as looking stereotypically gay.

Contrast a man and a women standing arrogantly and cocky.
One demonstrates masculinity by framing the genitals and the other
demonstrates feminine power by pointing toward her assets in the
rear. Displays of power make us exaggerate the gestures of the
gender with which we identify.


I’m tall with relatively thick legs, so I generally sit either with
my legs in a “V” or with one foot slung over the opposite leg. A few
years ago, I was doing an interview with Der Spiegel with my legs
in the latter position and the reporter accused me of being cocky.
“That’s not cocky, that’s relaxed,” I explained to her. My build
doesn’t allow me to sit comfortably with my legs crossed similar to
a “European gentleman.”

A woman can make a deliberate power statement by sitting
with her legs crossed and her high heel pointed at someone. It is a
statement about confidence through sexuality, confidence through
taste in selecting that shoe, and assertiveness by aiming the heel at
the person. The message: Yes, I’m a woman, but I can deal with
you like a man; I have power here. It is an attempt to emasculate.

Legs can move back and forth as a result of nervous energy. I
have often seen young men sitting with the legs moving back
and forth. This is a comforting move as the thighs and genitalia
make contact. Few, if any, realize they are doing it.

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