I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 105

Contrast with that the subconscious act of turning the toes in-
ward, an action that reflects subjugation, especially in a sexual
situation. Young women will often sit with their toes turned inward
in sexual circumstances where they are not in charge. Something
deep inside her “orders ” her to adopt a submissive pose.

People in stressful situations will commonly point their feet
toward the door. In interviewing management candidates for
Trane, this is one thing I’ve noticed many times. When I’m teach-
ing, I have people sit on a table for certain body language demon-
strations. I enjoy having the class observe the crossed feet, flexed
feet, and feet pointed toward the door as I jack up the anxiety level.

The grooming of the feet is usually less obvious than the hands,
of course, but in sandal weather or intimate situations where
someone’s bare feet are exposed to you, grooming can say a lot
about issues of femininity, athleticism, and basic hygiene. Showing
ugly feet in sandals may be comfortable, but you can expect some
people to think less of you. And then there’s the extreme: I saw a
man with ugly feet walking barefoot through a Wal-Mart outside of
Atlanta, Georgia. When I see someone walking around barefoot in
public, I think of that as an absolute disdain for cultural norms.


In addition to proximity, time, movement, culture, and other es-
sential topics in the field of body language, an important area of
study is vocalics. I call it “utterances,” and I refer to vocal, but not

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