I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Gesturing, With or Without Intent 119

Bill O’Reilly uses regulators all the time, as do most of the news
talk hosts who invite argument. When he’s had his fill of a guest’s
comments, the hand goes up and he may slightly tilt his head, barrier
with the eyelids, and jump in with his viewpoint. If he can’t shut him
up that way, he may combine both hands with a facial gesture that
says “Enough”: raised eyebrows, pursed lips, and set jaw.
Regulators do not need to be elaborate or well understood.
Simply questioning someone’s veracity has the effect of slowing or
halting a line of conversation.

ƒ A “talk to the hand motion.”
ƒ A shocked gasp.
ƒ A roll of the eyes.
ƒ Placing the hands to pain muscle between the eyes.
ƒ Looking up while exhaling.
Other simple and common versions of the regulator include:
ƒ Pointing to someone as if to say, “Your turn.”
ƒ Placing your hand on someone.
ƒ Tilting the head to indicate interest (a very female
ƒ Simply nodding as someone speaks to encourage that
ƒ Shaking the head to discourage behavior.
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