I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
E The Holistic View 139

so they fight. In humans, the response is not as predictable, because
females have a much better developed brain and a larger catalog of
options than her quadriped counterparts.


Energy low, direction sharp, focus external.
When someone is trying to hide something, elements of the
other moods will creep in. Is she excited because it is a surprise
party? Afraid because it is an affair? Trying to hide the fact he is
interested in something you are carrying or reading? In fact, you
might see overlap in nearly all of the moods described here, primarily
because secretiveness needs a root, emotional cause.

An attempt to be secretive is a conscious effort. As such, you
have to keep energy low, stay directed, and maintain an external
focus or you’ll give yourself away. At the same time, most humans
are not aware of the layers of moods they have, so maintaining
absolute control over these three elements is beyond most people’s
ability. In order to know what the person is hiding, you will have to
work at uncovering the layers.

Here’s an important irony that will help you: by its very nature,
hiding something is energy intensive. Have you ever tried to keep a
secret when someone is prodding? This energy is constantly trying
to go somewhere, and as a consequence, tends to leak out in odd
and visible ways. The more polished among us find successful rou-
tines to redirect this energy. Through experimentation, we learn
what works, such as playing on our sexuality or even pretending to
be dimwitted to divert suspicion from our real intent.

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