Filters: Sex and Other Misconceptions 173
arguing with a minister who is holding a copy of the Holy Bible as
he critiques your immoral behavior? This specific class of men uses
the object barrier more effectively than any other in American
society. Most men have a tendency to rely on natural barriers.
If men use natural barriers more demonstratively, women use
apparel and object barriers more openly. Take the woman who
wears a 3-inch long cross. Is this primarily a symbol of religion or
mostly a fashion statement? Put the same cross on a middle-aged
man. What is the effect?
While men may brow-beat, women are more likely to make
their points with the entire body. Because men have less of a ten-
dency to engage the entire body and are less likely to gesture wildly,
it is no surprise your third-grade teacher could get her point across
without shouting. The illustrators used by men are typically
uni-channel, such as hands, brow, or perhaps arms.
Even with the tremendous influence of hormones on the sys-
tem, one cannot overemphasize the impact of nurture and all of the
subprograms added to the human mind over the years a human is
alive. Simply look at people who have experienced gender reas-
signment surgery to know that hormones cannot be the end of the
story. Along with human behavior comes a concept of self.
Because men and women in the same culture confuse the body
language of the other, imagine how easy this becomes across cultures.