I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
196 I Can Read You Like a Book A

Baselining dos and don’ts

Do Do Not
Ask questions that require Ask yes-or-no questions.
a narrative response.
A premise of baselining for eye movement is that your “source”
must be forced to access certain portions of his brain, such as the
visual and auditory centers. A yes-or-no question probably will not
get the job done. For example, if your aim is to see whether his
eyes move left or right to access memory, you would not ask, “Do
you live on that street where lightning struck a tree last year?” You
would say, “I think I know the neighborhood where you live. What
are some of the landmarks around there?”

Do Do Not
Sense and intuit. Assume and project.
Your eyes and ears will collect a great deal of information, but
what if those senses pick up “honesty,” but you still feel something’s
wrong? Pathological liars, con men, and interrogators such as me
have either natural or cultivated skills of deception. With us, you
need to rely on intuition, too.
Women have an anatomical advantage because of having a
larger corpus callosum than a man. This thick collection of nerve
fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain gives
women the practical benefit of signals crossing from the left (logical)
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