I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
A Making It Personal 197

to the right side (creative) of the brain, and vice versa, very quickly.
In effect, women have a revolving door between the hemispheres
that enables agile movement back and forth. Men have to open a
locked door between them before they move to the other side.
Intuition involves both feelings and facts, so you can see how the
“female” brain supports it.
Assumptions and projections clog your ability to sense and in-
tuit information about someone. Baselining is focused on one per-
son at a time, and carrying certain assumptions as you go into an
experience, or projecting your own behavior and style of communi-
cating on someone, can give you false readings.

Do Do Not
Take cultural and regional Let prejudiced notions
differences into

I’ll refer you back to Chapter 2 to raise your awareness of
cultural issues and differences. In short, pay attention to the many
facets of the person you’re baselining, but don’t make snap judg-
ments based on your biases.

Do Do Not
Baseline deliberately, Use the techniques
as needed.

These are serious skills of an interrogator, not party tricks. You
can save yourself time, aggravation, and heartache by using them


affect baselining.

and stereotypes
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