I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
198 I Can Read You Like a Book A

in the early stages of dating, but if you start practicing on everyone,
people will catch on and feel uncomfortable around you.


What do you see in this photo? Is the woman blocking you out
or simply standing proudly? Is that fist-to-hip gesture on the man an
arrogant cocky smirk aimed at the photographer for a reason, or is
it simply a pose? What about the kid sitting on the hood of the car?
And why the distance? Take a minute without reading any further
and decide what all of this means. As you read through the chapter,
you will find the true story in the appropriate section.

No amount of reading can teach you to put things in context. If
your husband came home covered in blood with his belt missing
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