I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
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There Is Nothing to See Here
This can have several variations, the simplest of which is self-
deprecation to the point that others underestimate the person. I use
this most effectively when wearing boots, jeans, and a baseball
cap. My slight Southern drawl can become quite pronounced. It is
a skill every Southern boy has seen an old Southern lady do at least
once in his life. This is play on a stereotype—remember that filter?
Once someone writes me off as stupid I can then relax my guard
and do whatever I need to do, assured that people rarely change
their first impressions.

I’m Just a Kid
Similar to playing on femininity, a young person can play naïve
and uninformed easily with a self-consumed person who is older.
This is the simplest for young people to pull off because their body
language is likely less polished and fits the profile.

The Blamer
He or she preys on the fact that no one likes to be accused.
Human nature drives you to deny or defend, which focuses all en-
ergy internally looking for that fact or plea that will change others’
minds. This ploy successfully blinds the eye of an opponent; it is
one strategy that is difficult to fight. You need to pause and watch
the accuser’s body language to know whether it is a ploy or an
actual attack the person thinks has merit.
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