I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
222 I Can Read You Like a Book D

comments such as “Too many OBGYNs aren’t able to practice their
love with women....” Because he has been in the public eye for a
good portion of his life, he has adapted a self-deprecating sense of
humor, and is often underestimated as a result of employing it success-
fully. It’s a keen use of the There Is Nothing to See Here strategy.
One does not have to be Einstein to pretend to be less than he is.

Mark Foley

As I write this, Mark Foley (R-Florida) has just resigned after
his dirty little text messages surfaced in the news. In reviewing
ABC News footage of him from an earlier interview, I noticed a
body-language giveaway. When questioned about legislation he spon-
sored for exactly the kinds of crimes of which he is now accused, he
said, “These people need counseling, they certainly don’t need to
be in... (pregnant stammer) interacting with young people.” All the
time his brow lifted to extremes. Was this a call for help?

Nixon and Kennedy vs.

historical memory

What do you think of Richard Nixon?
Although it isn’t possible for most Americans of the Baby
Boomer generation, if they could watch Richard Nixon without bias,
they would be charmed and surprised. They would subliminally rec-
ognize the synchronicity of his gestures and message, that is, his
energy is focused in the same direction. The result is that they
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