I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
224 I Can Read You Like a Book D

The two women sat on a well-upholstered, uncomfortable looking
sofa. Jackie delivered rehearsed answers to questions about the
campaign—fluffy questions, not policy stuff—and Rose responded
with stilted, puppet-like gestures. I wondered who’s arm was in
there making her head and hands do such odd things.
In another televised speech, Rose Kennedy was at a podium
stumping for her son in a feather stole, and pearls that were more
expensive that most people’s houses.
Today, we would say, “What is this bull? Don’t contrive things
like this for us—we know better.” We are a different culture with
different cultural biases. Back then, however, we perceived the
Kennedys as beautiful people, and felt that making them our “ruling
class” made us all more sophisticated and beautiful. On the world
stage, we as a nation were not beautiful people during and after
World War II. The world saw power in the United States, but our
dedication in war and strength on the battlefield did not change the
perception that we were a bunch of scrappy rubes.

Celebrities vs.

inquiring minds

After putting it off for months, I finally watched the notorious
Tom Cruise interview that had been on the Today show. This is the
one that moved him front and center as a spokesman for the Church
of Scientology, and a critic of happy drugs.
Prior to the interview turning slightly confrontational, Cruise
seemed to entreat Matt Lauer to understand his points about
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