I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Using Body Language to Your Advantage in Business 247

C H A P T E R 1 0


Using Body Language

to Your Advantage

in Business

Business is a subset of the rest of humankind. Think of it
as a microculture or sub-tribe composed of people from mul-
tiple tribes who come together for a common purpose.
Whether you are the receptionist or the CEO, you are part of
a collective that shares a reason for being at work. In this
process, you have to learn the social norms of others. Even if
you are the super-typical, you still need to follow certain ground
rules. You can change these through precedent, but even then,
there are limits.
I start with this discussion because you need to be con-
scious of what the ground rules are for your tribe. Unaccept-
able behavior may get you voted off the island. Your first
step is to assess the tribe.

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