I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

248 I Can Read You Like a Book


Who are the super-typical at work? Are they all formally
appointed leaders or, like an insurgent group, are there sleepers as
well—stealth super-typical people whose influence outstrips their
pay? I’ll look at why that’s important to know before examining
how you can identify them.
Some people in the super-typical category get there by
appointment or promotion, and then work all the way to the top.
Achievement drives them. The alpha often has an I-love-me wall,
or at least must be known as a high achiever in the organization.
Everyone can sense this alpha’s importance from body language,
and the body language of others around him, so the situation is easy
to see and easy to manage.
Other super-typical people in the organization may be less
visible, but are just as important.

The influence peddler
The influence peddler sits behind the throne, perhaps without
an official title, but with a network of associates who trust him and
seek his advice. When he decides to heft his influence, he can
make or break a project, timeline, or budget. He may only have the
king’s (or queen’s) ear through complaints, but his power is vast.
Unless the king removes him, he must consult with the influence
peddler to reach the masses.
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