I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

40 I Can Read You Like a Book


  1. Bill Gates is super-typical in the greater understanding
    of American culture. A healthy 25-year-old man who
    lives with, and is supported by his parents is sub-typical.
    A 40-year-old woman who works in the human
    resources department of a manufacturing company
    is typical. Are there aspects of American culture in
    which Bill Gates is sub-typical or labeled as a geek?
    Sure. This helps us to better understand why demo-
    graphics and statistics can be used to make any point
    we want to make.

  2. Within a high school group, you can easily spot the
    kids who are the most admired. These super-typical
    kids may be the athletes, cheerleaders, or student
    council leaders, depending on the school. Next are
    the masses, or the typical. In this group are the nor-
    mal kids with average social skills who do not stand
    out among the others. Kids with poor social skills popu-
    late the last group; this may include the gangly kid
    who is not comfortable with his quickly growing body.
    These kids are the sub-typical. The students call them
    names, such as “the bean” and “stick man” to remind
    them of this status.
    In this model the super-typical have sway over the typical, who,
    in turn, disregard the sub-typical. They tolerate the sub-typical as
    part of the greater group, but given the opportunity to separate,

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