I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 69

are some standard expressions associated with the face; by no
means are the ones that follow a comprehensive list. However, it
does capture fundamental pieces of facial body language.
The billboard you call your forehead allows you to demonstrate
the very inner workings of your mind. As a result, the forehead
gives residuals. By that I mean it shows what you have been show-
ing. Maybe you’ve heard the expression “You have the face you
deserve by 40.” That refers to the contours around the mouth and
eyes, particularly, that indicate how much your face has expressed
sadness, anger, and other primary emotions in your early years.

I have an astonishing number of lines on my forehead when I
wrinkle it and, probably from years of adopting odd facial expres-
sions in interrogations, can use my brow muscles in a way that most
people can’t. Of course, there may be expressions that other people
have mastered that I can’t do; the point is that it is possible for an
individual to have a unique expression. It also helps that my hair has left
for higher ground and instead of a forehead, as the joke goes, I have a

Think about what you do with your forehead. Right now, do as
many contortions with it that you can, starting with the basics:

ƒ Brows straight up.
ƒ Brows down hard.
ƒ One brow arched.
ƒ Brows knit together in the center.
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