I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
70 I Can Read You Like a Book R

Look at yourself in the mirror. How many other variations can
you manage with those muscles? There is an odd configuration that
I can do that involves bringing the brows together while lifting them
and jamming the wrinkles in my forehead together. Depending on
what I’m doing with my mouth, I either look a deranged killer or a
deranged clown.
The brow is one of the most expressive speakers in all non-
verbal communication.

Put down this book and watch television news, with
the sound off, for a few minutes. Take a childlike approach: Look
at what’s on the screen as if you don’t know what to expect. Do
you get the sense that these people are telegraphing what is in their
head across that well-lit billboard that is the brow?
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