I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 71

One movement you will probably notice more than others is the
way people use the brow and forehead to emphasize a point or to
illustrate what they mean. One type of illustrator is batoning, which is
using a body part similar to how a conductor uses a baton. You can
shake a hand or finger or your eyebrows or your whole head to drive
home your message. Bill O’Reilly often relies on his eyebrows as an
illustrator; every day, he gives life to the cliché “brow beating.”

Wrinkled forehead

Common reasons to wrinkle the brow include surprise,fear,
or some form of concern for another, such as sympathy. The
standard ways to express each are:

Surprise is a straight-up lift.
Fear is a lift that engages the muscles between the brows as
well. It’s the area the French call the “grief muscle,” but I prefer to
call it the “pain muscle” because you use it both when you express
pain and when you want to inflict it.

Surprise Fear
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