I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
72 I Can Read You Like a Book R

Someone under very high stress will often massage the pain
muscle set between the eyes. This is often involuntary and an adaptor
for high stress. I watched a video clip of Lindsey Lohan after her
father was arrested. Here is a teenaged star dealing with the scru-
tiny of millions, raging hormones, accolades from the media that
they usually bestow on mature celebrities, and, in the midst of it all,
her dad goes to prison. The camera caught her rubbing the area
between her eyes so hard that I felt sorry for her. After that, it was
no surprise that she manifested more obvious signs of stress, such
as losing weight and hard partying.
This is the same gesture that people with tension headaches
commonly use. It’s an involuntary response to the tightening of the
muscles in that area, and an unconscious attempt to stretch them
and increase blood flow to the area.
Concern also involves a straight-up lift and use of the pain
muscle, but the eyes are engaged very differently. The eyes show
sympathy. More on that in the discussion of pupil dilation and
The absence of a wrinkled brow sends certain messages as
well, and two primary ones are calculated deception and Botox


Brow movement is so integral to human communication that
actors get this element of body language right more often than any
other part. Does that mean they have talent? Not as much as
humanness. I think brow movement is the most inborn trait of
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