I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 89

As opposed to what many people think—and one indicator of
this is how many journalists have asked me to affirm this in
interviews—you cannot tell whether or not a person is lying just
because he’s scratching his nose. You can tell that if he’s doing
excessive nose handling that something is going on in his head,
however, because he’s probably responding to increased vascular

Wrinkling the nose in disgust is almost always a female
gesture. Many men cannot seem to do it.


In glancing through Time magazine’s fall 2006 supplement on
“The Art of the Luxury Deal” (not my usual reading), I noticed
page after page of
models with their
mouths slightly open.
It’s probably an attempt
to project sexy and vul-
nerable, but this mouth
position is often part of
the “stupid look”—the
look of mouth breathers.
When the model combines it with a blank stare, she looks brain
dead. So, if the object is to get across that she’s no threat, the
photographer certainly succeeded. Note: None of the male models
had this look.

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