I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
90 I Can Read You Like a Book R

When done in
combination with a
wrinkled brow, pull-
ing the corners of the
mouth down signals
Take this same
pulled-down mouth
and add the raised
brow of recognition
and you have a very
different message: “I
did not know that, but
I do understand it.”
Covering the mouth is a simple barrier loaded with meaning. It
could mean so many things that this gesture provides a great
example of the importance of context. Why would anyone cover
his or her mouth?
ƒ Trying to eat and talk at the same time, which is a
gesture hugely affected by culture.
ƒ Self-conscious about her teeth.
ƒ Shy; unwilling to smile broadly because it is
ƒ Doesn’t want you to hear what she’s saying and this is
a barrier thrown up subconsciously to mute the sound.
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