Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Concatenation (noun)

A series of things that are linked together.

z Concatenation refers to a chain-like series of ideas or events, such
as the events that cause a person’s life to go in a certain direction
or reach a particular point. For example, consider the word in this
context sentence: “All of our lives can be seen as a concatenation of
events that has led us to where we are today.”

z You can remember this word by breaking it down into two parts.
7KH ¿UVW SDUW LV WKH SUH¿[con-, which is a variant of the Latin
preposition cum, meaning “with, together.” The second part is the
Latin base, catena, which means “a chain.”

Cabal (noun)

  1. A small group of people secretly working together.

  2. A secret plot.

z 7KH¿UVWPHDQLQJRIcabal is illustrated in the following context
sentence: “The fourth-grade cabal of Jimmy, Zach, and Trent had
were ratted out by a classmate and punished by Principal
Zimmerman.” The second meaning appears in this sentence: “In
this time of political and civil unrest, the opposition party’s cabal to
overthrow the government by force just might work.”

z Cabal originally comes from Kabbala, a Jewish mystical method
of interpreting scripture that became associated with the secret and
the occult. The word was popularized and given its current meaning
King Charles II. The members of this powerful royal council were
named Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale.
By a strange coincidence, the initial letters of their names
spelled cabal.
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