Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Lecture 20: Words That Break and Words That Join

Coterie (noun)

A small, often select group of people who associate with one another
frequently and share a common interest, background, or purpose.

z Coterie has a similar meaning to cabal but without the added sense
of secrecy and the connotation of treachery. For example: “A tight-
knit coterie of presidential advisors made all the important decisions
in the administration.”

z Synonyms and related words for coterie include sisterhood or
brotherhood, society, troop, sect (often used to identify a religious
group that may be exclusive and may deviate from mainstream
religious traditions), faction (often a dissentious unit within a larger
group), clique (a snobby, exclusive group), band, ring, circle,
cadre, gang, and clan.

  1. An interesting __ of circumstances led to Martin’s career as
    a clown.

    by the retirement of Dr. Dagley.

  3. The new high-stakes testing policies mandated by the federal
    government have opened a __ in the education community.

  4. This word has a number of colorful synonyms, including craw, gullet,
    piehole, and muzzle.

  5. Give the two opposite meanings of the contronym cleave.

  6. Differentiate between the words cabal and coterie.

  7. For many Jews, the __ that began in the 6th century B.C.
    continues to this day.

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