Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1


  1. Word set: equivocal and tendentious. Someone who is __ is
    unlikely to give __ answers.

  2. Word set: truckle and truculent. Someone who is __ is unlikely
    to __ to the authority of others.

  3. Word set: trenchant and nascent. The speaker’s remarks were insightful
    and __; they did not seem to be the __ thoughts of
    someone who had not examined the subject.

  4. Word set: venal and invidious. The politician was accused of
    __ behavior in awarding lucrative government contracts to
    his cronies.

  5. Word set: timorous and pernicious. The strict policy of “going through
    channels” was __ to creativity in the company.

  6. Name the three onomatopoetic words in this lecture and identify the
    sounds they imitate.

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