Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
z 0DZNLVK is another synonym for maudlin, but there is an important
distinction in meaning between these two words. As described
in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms, PDZNLVK is an
adjective that emphasizes the sickening nature of the sentiment. In
other words, mawkish sentiment is often disgusting and sickening
because it’s so incredibly insincere or over the top.

z We can remember the sickening, disgusting connotation of PDZNLVK
from its etymology. 0DZNLVK comes from the Middle English word
PDZNH, which means “maggot.”

Treacle (noun)

Cloying, sickly-sweet speech or sentiment.

z Treacle refers to excessively sweet sentiment, as seen in overly
romantic movies or grocery-store greeting cards. Treacle can also
refer to molasses or golden syrup, which is a thick, sweet mixture
of molasses, corn syrup, and sugar used in cooking.

z The adjective form of treacle is treacly. Synonyms and related
words include cloying and saccharine.

Scabrous (adjective)

  1. Scabby, blotchy, and scaly.

  2. Rough to the touch.

  3. Indecent, shocking, scandalous.

z Although scabrous carries all three meanings listed above, it’s
often used to describe indecent, risqué, and obscene language and
behavior. For example: “The intimate details of the late celebrity’s
scabrous diary shocked his family and ignited a scandal.” Synonyms
and related words for this sense of scabrous include salacious,
libidinous, and lascivious.
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