Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Lecture 5: Fighting Words and Peaceful Words

rebels—people who have lost a war but want to “make war again”
to overcome their conquerors.

z Belligerent is a close synonym for bellicose that shares the root bell
and also means “warlike and aggressively hostile.”

z Antebellum and postbellum are two other words derived from bell.
7KH /DWLQ SUH¿[ante- means “before”; thus, antebellum means
³EHIRUH WKH ZDU ́ 7KH /DWLQ SUH¿[post- means “after”; thus,
postbellum means “after the war.”

Truculent (adjective)

harsh, often referring to verbal criticism.

Contumacious (adjective)

Stubbornly disobedient and rebellious to authority; willfully obstinate.

Rapacious (adjective)

Aggressively and excessively greedy or grasping; predatory.

z Rapacious doesn’t just mean aggressive; it has the added connotation
of greedy and grasping behavior. Here’s a sentence that puts the
word in context: “The rapacious company bought up all its smaller
competitors until it had the monopoly on lollipops in North America.”

z Synonyms for rapacious include ravenous, voracious, and
avaricious. Use rapacious when you want to emphasize the greedy,
devouring nature of aggression.

Halcyon (adjective)

Tranquil, calm, and peaceful; may refer to happy, joyful, and prosperous times.
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