Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Lecture 5: Fighting Words and Peaceful Words

A Peaceful Root
“war”) in such words as belligerent and bellicose.

z In contrast, pac is a Latin root meaning “peace” and can be found in
such words as pacify, SDFL¿HU, SDFL¿VW, and SDFL¿F.

Mollycoddle (verb)

To overindulge; to treat with excessive attention to the point of spoiling

z One of our themes in this lecture was aggression and cruelty. The
opposite of being aggressive is to nurture or to pamper, but if
pampering goes too far, it becomes mollycoddling.

z You can remember this word easily from its two parts: molly and
coddle. Coddle means to indulge and treat tenderly. Molly was
originally a term of contempt for a man who pampered himself
too much.

  1. How would you describe a bully, someone who is always spoiling for

  2. This aggressive word carries the connotation of greedy, voracious,
    or predatory.

  3. As we grow older, we often look back with fondness to the ___
    days of our youth.

  4. What word could you use for a complicated, confusing love triangle,

  5. A husband who forgets his wedding anniversary might have to engage
    in this act to make amends to his wife.

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