Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
z The origin of canoodle is uncertain; however, we know that it
was an American slang word in usage as far back as the 1850s.
One apocryphal story behind canoodle is that it started as Oxford
University slang during Victorian or Edwardian times, used
to refer to a situation in which an amorous young couple would
use a canoe and a paddle to get away from a chaperone. It seems
unlikely, though, that much in the way of amorous behavior would
be possible in a canoe.

Misanthrope (noun)

Someone who hates and distrusts all people.

z 7KH SUH¿[mis- in misanthrope is from the Greek verb misein,
meaning “to hate,” and the root anthrop is from the noun
anthropos, meaning “man.” Thus, a misanthrope is literally “a
hater of mankind.” There is also another noun form of this word,
misanthropy, which refers to hatred or distrust of all humans.

z Other words derived from mis- or miso- (“hate”) include misogyny
(“hatred of women”) and misandry (“hatred of men”).

Execrate (verb)

  1. To damn or denounce scathingly; curse.

  2. To detest utterly, abhor, abominate, loathe.

z The words execrate, curse, damn, and anathematize are all
synonyms meaning to denounce violently and indignantly.
you differentiate which word to use in different contexts.
with intense loathing, hatred, and passionate fury.
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